Microverse I Symposium
Image: Alena Gold & Luo YuVirtual microbial talk
Thank you all for participating and sharing of your latest research on microbial and biomolecular interactions. The Microverse I Symposium had over 230 participants from 50 institutions of 17 different countries as well as a range of leading experts and many young scientists. Besides lively interactions through live presentations with follow-up questions, participants had round table discussions and the chance to join many poster presentations.
Fill up our Twitter feed with your experiences of the conference: #MicroConf2020External link
We look forward to seeing you again!
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Collaborative Research Centre ChemBioSys
The aim of the CRC ChemBioSys is to explore fundamental regulatory processes in complex biosystems that affect our daily lives. The focus is on chemical mediators that play key roles in regulating the composition of communities and interactions of individual organisms of one or multiple species.
AquaDiva field site
Image: Robert LehmannCollaborative Research Centre AquaDiva
The CRC AquaDiva focuses on the important roles of water (Aqua) and biodiversity (Diva) for shaping the structure, properties and functions of the subsurface, the part of the Earth`s Critical Zone that begins below the highest density of plant roots and extends down into the first aquifers.
Image: Anna SchrollConsortium InfectControl
InfectControl is a research association in which science and industry have joined forces to fight infectious diseases. Its aim is to prevent these diseases in the long term, to detect them faster and to fight them consistently. InfectControl supports educational campaigns and development of new diagnostic markers and tools.